Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Arched Door, Gouache on paper 7x5

I have recently taken an online class from Alyson Stanfield at ArtBizCoach.com http://www.artbizcoach.com about organizing your art business. The class was great and very motivating. One of the things it motivated me to do was make use of my Blog so here is my faltering beginning.


  1. I think you are doing a fine job. I agree if that is one thing that you picked up from Alyson's class, it is a winner. But I see that you made some other commitments to yourself as well. Once those become every day events you can then add others.
    One consideration, here at your blog, is... if you want to be known... would be to let people know who you are. I know there is a fear factor when you first begin, but you appear to be a bit hidden behind the scenes.

    Lovely gouache work. Did you know there is a gouache forum at WetCanvas?

  2. Hi Colleen,
    This is lolly from your Get Organized class with Alyson. Thank you for my first posting on my new blog. What a thrill. Your blog looks good. I love your tea pots. I do not drink coffee and green tea is my favorite hot drink. Your pots are charming. I love the care and detail on them. How do you put images/photos on a blog?
    Best wishes,

  3. Hi Colleen,
    Interesting that your tea pots sold well. I carry a tea bag with me as often I cannot get green tea when I eat out. Everyone has hot water...and some want to charge for it! People think me strange for not wanting coffee. So who buys the tea pots if not tea drinkers? Maybe people like you who like their shape. I wonder if paintings of tea pots would be popular?
    Best wishes,
